
Galen Marek, codenamed “Starkiller,” was a human male Force-sensitive who became an accomplished warrior during the Imperial Era. Marek was trained in secret by Sith Lord Darth Vader and was known as Starkiller—but came to the light side shortly before his death. Marek was the son of two Jedi Knights, Kento and Mallie Marek, born…

A Jedi’s Return: A Sourcebook for Obi-Wan Kenobi

Lady Qi’ra

Lady Qi’ra was a human female crime lord from the planet Corellia who lived during the reign of the Galactic Empire. She grew up on the streets along with Han as part of the White Worms. Though they were at first rivals, the two scrumrats eventually became lovers. Sometime after Qi’ra was made Head Girl…



Wound Threshold: 10 + BrawnStrain Threshold: 10 + WillpowerStarting Experience: 85 XPSpecial Abilities: Mandibular Dislocation – Shani can open their mouths extremely wide and swallow most sentients whole. Make a Grapple action, and if successful, may swallow the target.Regeneration – Recover 1 additional wound from natural rest or bacta tank, regrow lost limb in 1…

Deva Lompop

Deva Lompop was a Shani female bounty hunter, marauder, and mercenary who operated from the time of the High Republic into the Imperial Era. By the time of the Galactic Empire, Lompop had a debt to Jabba the Hutt that amounted to more than credits and caused Lompop to be routinely summoned by the Hutt…

Ysanne Isard

Ysanne Isard was a female Human who served as the Director of Imperial Intelligence for several years during the Galactic Civil War. Isard followed her father, Armand Isard, into Imperial Intelligence at a young age, blossoming into a model field agent. After the Alliance to Restore the Republic stole coordinates of the location of the…


Luthen Rael’s Fondor Haulcraft

Luthen Rael’s Fondor Haulcraft was a heavily modified version of a V-21.1 Chevlex in use by Luthen Rael. The ship, which Rael referred to as “the Fondor,” had an added droid Mod serving as a co-pilot as well as multiple hidden countermeasures such as laser beams and a projectile launcher. During the early rebellion against…

Luthen Rael

Luthen Rael, code-named “Axis” by the ISB, was a human male antique dealer and revolutionary leader who led a rebel network and spy operation during the time of the Galactic Empire. Rael owned Galactic Antiquities and Objects of Interest on the galactic capital of Coruscant, though the gallery was little more than a front for…