Tagge Protoblade

Lightsaber Rifle

The lightsaber rifle was a type of rifle designed to work in conjunction with a standard lightsaber. Once a lightsaber was properly loaded into an open slot on top of the rifle, a lightsaber rifle could produce an overwhelmingly powerful and destructive beam of energy. One such rifle was kept secure in the Jedi Archives.…

BD droid

BD units were companion droids designed to assist with operations in remote and dangerous locations across the galaxy; programmed to be the ideal assistant to researchers or explorers operating alone in the field, they were designed to traverse all types of terrain. As a result of their manufacturer collapsing, BD units were a relatively rare…

Kashyyykian Hunting Armor

Kashyyykian hunting armor was a common traditional armor created by the Wookiees, primarily for their forays into the dangerous levels of the wilderness on their homeworld of Kashyyyk. Forged from natural elements, the armor provides protection for the wearer without seeming out of place to creatures of the wild. While designed for the hazards of…

Kyber Saber

Cyber-Vision Goggles

Cyber-vision was a technology which allowed the blind to see through cybernetics. The goggles could be easily removed like standard eyewear. The images presented to the wearer were of relatively low resolution, so fine detail was often lost to them.

Muur Talisman

The Muur Talisman was the first of the three Great Amulets created by the Sith Lord Sorzus Syn. Designed for her fellow Lord Karness Muur, the Talisman had the ability to turn other beings into mindless thralls that were at the possessor’s command. It was a powerful object of great antiquity and was mentioned in…

Crimson Crystal of Cytorrak

The Crimson Crystal of Cytorrak is a lightly glowing red crystal that was imbued, 4000 years ago, with the essence of a Sith Lord named Cytorrak, renowned for his ability to appear virtually invisible to enemies.