Wrecker, formerly designated CT-9903, was a clone commando who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars as part of Clone Force 99. Due to genetic mutations, Wrecker was much larger and stronger than the average clone trooper. He loved blowing things up, and served as the muscle and demolitions expert…
“Tech” was the nickname of a clone commando who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars as a member of Clone Force 99. Due to his genetic mutations, he appeared leaner, fairer, and younger than his fellow clone troopers. Tech served as the brains of his squad and was a…
“Hunter” was the nickname of a clone commando sergeant who served as the commanding officer of Clone Force 99 in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars, fought between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He was genetically altered to have heightened senses and commanded his comrades who had…
Domina Tagge was a human female of the powerful Tagge dynasty who lived during the age of the Galactic Empire. She had at least three older brothers: Ulric Tagge, Orman Tagge, and Silas Tagge. Adelaide Tagge was Domina’s cousin. As a child, Domina survived at least two assassination attempts and resolved that she would never…
Platt Okeefe considers herself a legendary entrepreneur (or smuggler) who has been causing trouble for the Empire, running legal and not so legal cargoes, and getting into trouble throughout the galaxy for several years. Platt always loved space travel, even as a child. When she was growing up on Brentaal, she used to spend her…
Even before the Alliance to Restore the Republic was established, the male human Airen Cracken was an accomplished freedom fighter. It was he who led the planetary militia that freed his homeworld from the oppression of the Galactic Empire, which led him to be fast-tracked to a general’s commission within the Alliance Military. By the…
Jaxxon T. Tumperakki was a male Lepi from Coachelle Prime. As was typical of his species, he had a very large family. He was blessed with 167 aunts and uncles, and his cousins numbered in the hundreds—at least 300, and perhaps even 400. Five of them were named Reegor, Peeta, Arvi, Benji, and Maxx. Eventually,…
Jocasta Nu, a Force-sensitive human female, was a Master of the Jedi Order who served as the Chief Librarian of the Jedi Archives during the last years of the Galactic Republic. In this role, Nu was the primary caretaker of the extensive Archives, helping her fellow Jedi find the information they needed while controlling access…
BD units were companion droids designed to assist with operations in remote and dangerous locations across the galaxy; programmed to be the ideal assistant to researchers or explorers operating alone in the field, they were designed to traverse all types of terrain. As a result of their manufacturer collapsing, BD units were a relatively rare…
Sky-walkers were Force-sensitive Chiss navigators who helped the Chiss Ascendancy navigate the dangerous hyperspace conditions present in the Ascendancy’s native Unknown Regions of the galaxy. In the main Chiss language Cheunh, sky-walkers were referred to as ozyly-esehembo, with “sky-walker” that term’s direct translation into Galactic Basic Standard. Sky-walkers served the Ascendancy’s military and diplomatic corps…