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Work in Progress: Cracken's Rebel Operatives

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 2:34 pm
by Nytwyng
Now working on a port of the West End Games Cracken's Rebel Operatives sourcebook. Just getting started, so thinking it will be a bit.

Re: Work in Progress: Cracken's Rebel Operatives

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 1:06 pm
by Nytwyng
My Google-fu is failing me. Anyone know of a good image that approximates the look of Graf Yonna from Cracken's Rebel Operatives? I really like the overall look of the character (and this is one of the pictures in the original book that isn't too bad), but I'd prefer a color image that's closer to the general artwork style of the FFG books.

Re: Work in Progress: Cracken's Rebel Operatives

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 7:04 pm
by Nytwyng
Work's progressing slower than I'd like, just because real life (and keeping caught up with The High Republic :P ) has been getting in the way. But, I finished up the first section, "Military," this weekend, and felt it was the perfect time to post an update/preview.


