Luthen Rael

Stellan Skarsgård as Luthen Rael

Luthen Rael, code-named “Axis” by the ISB, was a human male antique dealer and revolutionary leader who led a rebel network and spy operation during the time of the Galactic Empire. Rael owned Galactic Antiquities and Objects of Interest on the galactic capital of Coruscant, though the gallery was little more than a front for his network. Alongside his assistant, Kleya Marki, Rael secretly collaborated with others, such as Senator Mon Mothma and militant Saw Gerrera to oppose the Empire.

Rael was a human male with gray hair and light skin. The man was skilled at discerning valuable finds and labored to personally traverse the galaxy for pieces necessary to achieve his goals. He was capable of adopting numerous guises and collected a wide range of exotic tools.

Always enigmatic, Rael was very cunning and perceptive as he was able to run the spy network and recruit everyone of any use. He was devoted to the cause of fight against the Empire, though he was aware that he would not see the end of the regime. He was ready to sacrifice and kill allies in order to keep his network intact.