The Dying Light: A Sourcebook for Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith

Ciddarin “Cid” Scaleback

Ciddarin Scaleback, nicknamed “Cid,” was a Trandoshan female information broker, smuggler, and businesswoman whose career in the galactic underworld spanned from the Galactic Republic Era into the Imperial Era. For years, Scaleback manned a parlor on Ord Mantell from which she ran her mercenary operations, sending mercenaries on high-stakes missions to meet with her numerous…

Lady Proxima

Lady Proxima was a Grindalid female crime boss who operated out of a lair on Corellia during the Imperial Era. She was the leader of the White Worms, a group that took in young Corellians, their “children”, and gave them food and shelter in exchange for their participation in criminal activities on Lady Proxima’s behalf.…

Clone Force 99 (The Bad Batch)

Clone Force 99, nicknamed the Bad Batch and designated as Experimental Unit Clone Force 99, was a clone commando special forces squad that was active during the Clone Wars. The squad initially consisted of four clone commandos that were designed with genetic mutations and led by Clone Sergeant Hunter, a clone with enhanced sensory abilities.…


The Marauder is a modified Omicron-class attack shuttle that serves as the home base and gunship of Clone Force 99, also known as the Bad Batch. The elite clones used this vessel for several covert missions during the Clone Wars, relying on it for stealth, speed, and maneuverability. Following the war, the Marauder continues to…


Omega was an unmodified, yet enhanced human female clone created from the genetic template of the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett who lived in the years following the Clone Wars. Originally created as a pure genetic replication of Fett, she was a medical assistant to Nala Se and spent her days working in Tipoca City…

Echo (CT-1409)

CT-1409, nicknamed “Echo” and known as the Hero of Anaxes, was a clone trooper and Corporal who served the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. Born on Kamino, Echo was originally identified as CT-21-0408, a cadet of the Domino Squad along with his friends, CT-782 “Hevy,” CT-4040 “Cutup,” CT-00-2010 “Droidbait,” and…

Wrecker (CT-9903)

Wrecker, formerly designated CT-9903, was a clone commando who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars as part of Clone Force 99. Due to genetic mutations, Wrecker was much larger and stronger than the average clone trooper. He loved blowing things up, and served as the muscle and demolitions expert…

Tech (CT-9902)

“Tech” was the nickname of a clone commando who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars as a member of Clone Force 99. Due to his genetic mutations, he appeared leaner, fairer, and younger than his fellow clone troopers. Tech served as the brains of his squad and was a…

Hunter (CT-9901)

“Hunter” was the nickname of a clone commando sergeant who served as the commanding officer of Clone Force 99 in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars, fought between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He was genetically altered to have heightened senses and commanded his comrades who had…