Starbreaker-class battle platform

The Starbreaker-class battle platform was conceived by Admiral Ral Vekta as a supplementary force to the Death Star. While longer than four Imperial-class Star Destroyers, the Starbreaker platform was still smaller and more combat oriented than the impressive Executor-class Super Star Destroyer. Vekta proposed the Starbreaker to be used in large-scale siege situations, freeing up the Death Star for the most extreme cases. Its ability to dock with capital ships also made it an ideal command and coordination vessel for large-scale assaults.

The Starbreaker platform boasted ten general-use hangar decks and ten hangar decks each housing three wings of TIE fighters, for a total of thirty wings of TIEs. The platform also held 25 AT-AT walkers, 50 AT-STs and various other ground assault vehicles. In addition to its docking bays, the platform could also dock up to ten capital ships along its outer perimeter, both upper and lower, even accommodating Imperial-class Star Destroyers. The combat hangars were positioned on the outer halves of the upper and lower hulls, while the general bays were protected in the inner halves of the hulls.

Starbreaker platform schematic with Imperial-class Star Destroyers for scale.

As impressive as that degree of weaponry was, the Starbreaker platform’s most awesome weapons were the twenty powerlaser cannons. Securely positioned on the inner halves of the hull sections, the powerlasers were, as the name implies, powerful lasers capable of disabling an Imperial-class Star Destroyer with one shot, and destroying it with a second. The powerlasers consumed such energy, that each had its own small reactor core to facilitate recharge. Also, by clustering them in groups of four, the platform was assured of constant coverage in a 360 degree firing arc.

Highlighted: A bank of two powerlasers. Another bank is located directly above. The five “wedges” of the Starbreaker platform have identical powerlaser configurations.

The Starbreaker project was supervised by Admiral Vekta, and implemented at the Empire’s shipyards at the planet Imsk. The prototype was made to full specs, with the ultimate goal of refitting the prototype as an active Starbreaker platform. The prototype was indeed refit, and became the “flagship” of the class. Vekta himself commanded the prototype, also called Starbreaker. Five other platforms were eventually completed and put into service: Leviathan, Titan, Juggernaut, Colossus, and Behemoth.

GM Notes

The Starbreaker platform was created many years ago for a WEG Star Wars RPG campaign, using the knowledge that the PCs were the “stars” of their story, but weren’t going to be the ones to take out the Death Star, for example. Looking for inspiration, I saw my Battlestar Galactica Base Star model sitting next to a MicroMachines Star Destroyer, wondered what it would be like if that was their scale together, and went from there. The Starbreaker has followed on to other campaigns, for that same reason: a huge Imperial death machine that the players can eliminate without breaking continuity (if they’re concerned about that).