Chiss Sky-Walker

Sky-walkers were Force-sensitive Chiss navigators who helped the Chiss Ascendancy navigate the dangerous hyperspace conditions present in the Ascendancy’s native Unknown Regions of the galaxy. In the main Chiss language Cheunh, sky-walkers were referred to as ozyly-esehembo, with “sky-walker” that term’s direct translation into Galactic Basic Standard. Sky-walkers served the Ascendancy’s military and diplomatic corps in an organization known as the sky-walker corps, and later the seekers program.

Thrawn, a Chiss, recounted his confusion when meeting the similarly named Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars after he had asked Darth Vader to use the Force to navigate the Chimaera. Sky-walkers were Chiss children, almost always females and usually between the ages of seven and fourteen, though former sky-walker Mitth’ali’astov recalled the power sometimes lasted until age fifteen. Additionally, the power could sometimes fade ahead of schedule, as occurred to Thalias herself. She lost her abilities at age thirteen. In one rare case, it could sometimes be retained as old as twenty two.