Class Four Cargo Transport

A fully loaded class four cargo transport docked at Horizon Base just prior to its departure.

Class four container transports, also referred to simply as Imperial cargo ships, were tetrahedron-shaped, hyperspace-capable bulk freighters used by the Galactic Empire to haul large numbers of crates and containers across the galaxy.

The class four container transport was shaped like a tetrahedron resting on the longest of its six edges. The bridge module was located in front of the ship, at the narrowest vertex of the recumbent tetrahedron, and resembled that of the Arquitens-class command cruiser. An assembly of up to 210 large containers was attached to the rear triangular side of the ship, encased between the sublight engines positioned at each of the three angles. However, containers could be removed to make room for a hangar bay at the rear of the cargo portion. The cargo of the transport could be accessed from the inside through at least one entry and exit point between the cargo and the vessel.

In addition to its sublight drives, the Imperial cargo ship was equipped with a hyperdrive, which allowed it to travel through hyperspace. It was also armed, boasting one top-mounted double-barrelled turbolaser battery and two side-mounted laser turrets.

Every Imperial cargo ship required the presence of an inventory droid to track and monitor all the goods to ensure it was organized and safely arrived to its destination on time. Also, inventory droids were tasked with logging every item and crew member of the transport and in addition were able to view the Imperial data network. Imperial cargo ships were used to haul large quantities of containers and crates from spaceport to spaceport. For security purposes, Imperial cargo ships had stormtroopers and a security complement of at least five Imperial sentry droids.

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