Jahan Cross

Jahan Cross, art by Stéphane Roux

Jahan Cross, born on Alderaan in 33 BBY, was a male Human who served the Galactic Empire as an Imperial Intelligence agent. Growing up during the Clone Wars, Cross lost his mother and younger sister during the Battle of Coruscant. After enrolling in the Imperial Academy as a young man, Cross came into the employment of Armand Isard, director of Imperial Intelligence, and undertook delicate missions otherwise unsuitable for the Imperial Army as an “agent of the Empire”. Cross underwent his missions with a droid companion, IN-GA 44 (until the droid’s destruction), developed by Alessi Quon, who also developed much of Cross’s arsenal.

Cross was a man of honor and justice, dedicated to his job and proud to serve the Empire. He was also accepting of aliens and droids, so much so that he held a great amount of respect for aliens who worked for the Empire. He was also a man haunted by his past.

He was extremely well-trained in combat, both armed and unarmed, and piloting. He was also observant and an expert at being subtle, though he would fight when the need to do so came.