Starbreaker-class battle platform

The Starbreaker-class battle platform was conceived by Admiral Ral Vekta as a supplementary force to the Death Star. While longer than four Imperial-class Star Destroyers, the Starbreaker platform was still smaller and more combat oriented than the impressive Executor-class Super Star Destroyer. Vekta proposed the Starbreaker to be used in large-scale siege situations, freeing up…

Admiral Ral Vekta

Ral Vekta joined the Republic Navy at an early age. As corruption spread through the government of the Republic, so too did it spread through the once-idealistic Vekta. When Senator Palpatine seized power and declared himself Emperor, Vekta swore loyalty to the new ruler. Like many other young officers, Vekta performed his duties admirably, going…


KkH’Oar’Rrhr (“Hoar”)

A male Tusken Raider, KkH’Oar’Rrhr was born on the suns-scorched planet of Tatooine, in the last years of the Galactic Republic. He was keenly attuned to the Force, a mystical energy field that bound the galaxy together and gave special powers to those who knew how to wield it. He belonged to the Rrhr hunting…


Kashyyykian Hunting Armor

Kashyyykian hunting armor was a common traditional armor created by the Wookiees, primarily for their forays into the dangerous levels of the wilderness on their homeworld of Kashyyyk. Forged from natural elements, the armor provides protection for the wearer without seeming out of place to creatures of the wild. While designed for the hazards of…


olli was a Human female pirate who served on the crew of the notorious Crimson Jack‘s gang during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Short-tempered and quick-triggered, Jolli was abandoned by her fugitive father as a young girl, instilling in her a deep hatred of men. Driven to prove herself as better than any…

End of the Line – An Unofficial Sourcebook for the Minos Cluster

Presenting and converting information from the Minos Cluster chapters of West End Games’ Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighers, End of the Line is a sourcebook for that region of space, converted (where necessary) to the FFG/Edge Narrative Dice System. This sourcebook includes: An overview of the Minos Cluster Detailed profiles on the ten most prominent…

Precise Calculations – A Guide to Planets

Requested a few times on the official FFG forms, this is a full compilation of all of the planet pages created for the site. UPDATE: Version 2.0 uploaded, adding all planets posted from September 18, 2018 through January, 2021. Discuss this resource in the mySWRPG Forum.
