Arden Lyn was a female Human and master of Teräs Käsi who belonged to the Followers of Palawa. This ancient Dark Jedi, along with her fellow Palawans, joined the Legions of Lettow upon the advent of the First Great Schism between Force users, and became the lover of Xendor, head of the Legions. When Xendor…
The Y-45 armored transport hauler, or AT-hauler, was a specialized starship manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards for use in the Galactic Empire’s army. Boasting cargo lifter arms, it was used for swift deployment of walkers onto the battlefield. After the Battle of Yavin, the Alliance to Restore the Republic managed to salvage several Y-45s. The…
Talon Karrde was a smuggler and information broker who dominated the underworld market in information. He began his career in the organization of Jorj Car’das, where he moved quickly through the ranks to become one of Car’das’s top lieutenants. When Car’das disappeared, Karrde quickly and quietly took over the organization to avoid internal feuding. Known…
Dok-Ondar was an Ithorian male collector who operated an antiquities shop in Black Spire Outpost on the planet Batuu on the edge of Wild Space in the Outer Rim. According to a rumor, he was willing to trade any treasure if the price was right
R0-GR, or “Roger,” was a B1 battle droid who served the Freemakers, a human family of scavengers that traveled throughout the galaxy. He was a veteran of the Separatist Droid Army during the Clone Wars, and was programmed to serve as Rowan Freemaker‘s best friend. He had a mismatched torso and right arm. While sarcastic…