LazerZ's Spacedock

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Gonk Droid
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LazerZ's Spacedock

Post by LazerZ »

The new iteration of my vehicles thread from the FFG Forums. First up on the docket is the Victory-class Star Destroyers, so watch this space for updates. In the meanwhile, here is the Google Doc with my previous designs. I welcome feedback on previous designs as well as new ones.
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Gonk Droid
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Re: LazerZ's Spacedock

Post by LazerZ »

Victory I-class Star Destroyers
Silhouette: 8
Speed: 2
Handling: -3
Defense: 2/2/2/2
Armor: 9
HT Threshold: 110
SS Threshold: 50
Hull Type/Class: Star Destroyer/ Victory I
Manufacturer: Rendili Star Drive
Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 1, Backup: Class 15
Navicomputer: Yes
Sensor Range: Long
Ship's Complement: 5,200 officers, pilots and enlisted crew
Starfighter Complement: 24 TIE series starfighters.
Vehicle Complement: 5 Lambda-class shuttles, 10 AT-ATs, 15 AT-STs, 10 A5 Juggernauts or HAVr A9 Floating Fortresses, various support vehicles.
Encumbrance Capactity: 6,500
Passenger Capacity: 2,040
Price/Rarity: 57,000,000 (R)/5
Consumables: 4 years
Weapons: Five port and five quad turbolaster batteries (Fire Arc Forward and Port or Forward and Starboard; Damage 10; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Breach, Linked 3, Slow-Firing 1).
Ten forward, fifteen port, and fifteen starboard dual turbolasers (Fire Arc Forward or Port or Starboard; Damage 10; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Breach 3, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 1).
Twenty forward, twenty port, twenty starboard, and twenty rear assault concussion missile launchers (Fire Arc Forward or Port or Starboard or Rear; Damage 7; Critical 3; Range [Short]; Blast 4, Breach 5, Guided 2, Inaccurate 1, Slow-Firing 1).
Ten hull-mounted heavy tractor beams (Fire Arc All, Damage -; Critical -, Range [Short]; Tractor 6).
Additional Rules
Massive 1: When making an attack targeting this starship, the critical rating of any weapons used counts as 1 higher.

Victory II-class Star Destroyers
Silhouette: 8
Speed: 3
Handling: -3
Defense: 2/2/2/2
Armor: 9
HT Threshold: 120
SS Threshold: 50
Hull Type/Class: Star Destroyer/ Victory II
Manufacturer: Rendili Star Drive
Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 1, Backup: Class 15
Navicomputer: Yes
Sensor Range: Long
Ship's Complement: 6,107 officers, pilots and enlisted crew
Starfighter Complement: 24 starfighters or none*.
Vehicle Complement: 5 Lambda-class shuttles, 10 AT-ATs, 15 AT-STs, 10 A5 Juggernauts, various support vehicles.
Encumbrance Capactity: 6,500
Passenger Capacity: 1,600 troops
Price/Rarity: 50,000,000 (R)/6
Consumables: 4 years
Weapons: Ten forward, five port and five starboard turbolaster batteries (Fire Arc Forwardor Port or Starboard and Forward and Port or Forward and Starboard; Damage 10; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Breach, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 1).
Five forward, five port, five starboard, and five rear dual turbolasers (Fire Arc Forward or Port or Starboard or Rear; Damage 10; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Breach 3, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 1).
Two forward, three port, three starboard, and two rear battleship ion cannons (Fire Arc Forward or Port or Starboard or Rear; Damage 9; Critical 4; Range [Medium]; Ion, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 1 ).
Ten hull-mounted heavy tractor beams (Fire Arc All, Damage -; Critical -, Range [Short]; Tractor 6).
Additional Rules
Massive 1: When making an attack targeting this starship, the critical rating of any weapons used counts as 1 higher.
*In the Imperial Sourcebook, which is set around the time of the Battle of Yavin, the Victory II is described as suffering from an Empire-wide shortage of TIE/ln starfighters, with some even having to have their hangars moth-balled, or even pressing non-combat craft into service as starfighters. So, it probably would not be unreasonable to see these craft with V-Wings or A-7 interceptors or similar craft aboard.

Here are my stats for the Victory I-class Star Destroyer and revised stats for the Victory II-class Star Destroyer.

I have some comments to make. While these are as close to the "official" stats (discounting FFG's stats, which suck) as I can get, there are a few changes I'd personally make. The Victory I would carry a mechanized infantry battalion along with two infantry battalions. One of these battalions would defend the ship, being either Naval Troopers or Stormtroopers and the second would be a planetary assault battalion, either Army Troopers or Stormtroopers, carried into battle by walkers, juggernauts, etc. that are part of the mechanized infantry battalion. The Victory II would have two infantry battalions, but these would be dedicated to shipboard duties.
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