The Nubian Deesign.... NDCWVCH, Any know if there are any updates too it??

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Gonk Droid
Gonk Droid
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The Nubian Deesign.... NDCWVCH, Any know if there are any updates too it??

Post by Dameclese »

Howdy Everyone.

Im a FFGSWRPG fan, we play a bunch in our group, and in the current campaign we are reaching that point of insurrection.... and its time to bring out some big guns.

The Nubian Design Collectives Whole Vehicle Crafting Handbook, is a very nice approach to fixing the design vs wild brush strokes approach that FFG took with the bigger ships.

I'm Wondering if there has been an update to the handbook after the 18 page version that i have scoured from the annuals of dead forums and forgotten dreams ??

I was pointed in the Direction of SWRPG forum as a possible point of contact. :D
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