Domina Tagge was a human female of the powerful Tagge dynasty who lived during the age of the Galactic Empire. She had at least three older brothers: Ulric Tagge, Orman Tagge, and Silas Tagge. Adelaide Tagge was Domina’s cousin. As a child, Domina survived at least two assassination attempts and resolved that she would never…
Platt’s Last Chance is the latest in a long line of freighters the young smuggler has owned. While she’s had it modified quite a bit, it still seems like any old YT-1300 out there in the space lanes which suits her fine. The ship had some features that distinguished it from the average YT-1300. It…
Platt Okeefe considers herself a legendary entrepreneur (or smuggler) who has been causing trouble for the Empire, running legal and not so legal cargoes, and getting into trouble throughout the galaxy for several years. Platt always loved space travel, even as a child. When she was growing up on Brentaal, she used to spend her…
Even before the Alliance to Restore the Republic was established, the male human Airen Cracken was an accomplished freedom fighter. It was he who led the planetary militia that freed his homeworld from the oppression of the Galactic Empire, which led him to be fast-tracked to a general’s commission within the Alliance Military. By the…
Hey there, everyone! Life got kinda hectic in 2023, and coupling that with a busy schedule expanding into other RPG systems with our group, new content here sort of fell by the wayside. I’m hoping to correct that for 2024, working out a schedule with prospective content for posting and getting back to the Monday…
Jaxxon T. Tumperakki was a male Lepi from Coachelle Prime. As was typical of his species, he had a very large family. He was blessed with 167 aunts and uncles, and his cousins numbered in the hundreds—at least 300, and perhaps even 400. Five of them were named Reegor, Peeta, Arvi, Benji, and Maxx. Eventually,…
The lightsaber rifle was a type of rifle designed to work in conjunction with a standard lightsaber. Once a lightsaber was properly loaded into an open slot on top of the rifle, a lightsaber rifle could produce an overwhelmingly powerful and destructive beam of energy. One such rifle was kept secure in the Jedi Archives.…