Hyperspace Savant

A hyperspace savant is a rarity, someone who comes along once a lifetime – if that frequently – who has an innate, instinctual (some say Force-derived) understanding of hyperspace, allowing them to perform hyperspace calculations quicker and more efficiently than any number of astromechs or navicomputers. As a result, they can intuit untraditional ways to…

Crosshair (CT-9904)

CT-9904, nicknamed “Crosshair,” was a clone commando who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars as part of Clone Force 99. Crosshair possessed genetic mutations that gave him exceptional eyesight and because of it, he acted as a sniper, taking advantage of his marksmanship skills. Upon the activation of Order…

Volt Cobra

The Volt Cobra was the personal starship of the bounty hunter Sana Starros. She used it numerous times to carry goods and assist her friends in the Alliance to Restore the Republic. During a mission to capture Chelli Aphra, the Cobra was shot down by Imperial Inspector Magna Tolvan, and Starros was forced to leave…

Sana Starros

Sana Starros was a human female who lived during the time of the Galactic Civil War. She was once a student at the University of Bar’leth, where she had a romantic relationship with Chelli Lona Aphra. Later, she claimed to be married to Han Solo, though he denied it, and regardless they were not on…


Broken Wing

A cruiser and freighter that was equipped with a hyperdrive, the Broken Wing had a design centered around a circular body (similar to Corellian Engineering’s YT-series) with two rectangular arms extending to the front. The cockpit was situated on the front edge of the circular body, between the two arms. The rear of the starship…

Beilert Valance

Beilert Valance was a human male bounty hunter. Born into slavery on Chorin, Valance became a miner like his father before him. He later left his homeworld and joined the Galactic Empire, who gave him the designation of Cadet 404-913. Valance served alongside Han Solo as a cadet at Carida Academy, the Imperial Naval Academy…


Jahan Cross

Jahan Cross, born on Alderaan in 33 BBY, was a male Human who served the Galactic Empire as an Imperial Intelligence agent. Growing up during the Clone Wars, Cross lost his mother and younger sister during the Battle of Coruscant. After enrolling in the Imperial Academy as a young man, Cross came into the employment…
