
Drexel Sea-Dragon

The sea-dragons or waterworms of Drexel were gigantic sentient reptiles who dwelt in the never-ending ocean of their world. They communicated with each other using ultrasonic signals. When Governor Quarg’s scavengers arrived on Drexel, they set up a scheme where they used a sonic jammer to cause any passing spacecraft to malfunction and crash to…


Crimson Crystal of Cytorrak

The Crimson Crystal of Cytorrak is a lightly glowing red crystal that was imbued, 4000 years ago, with the essence of a Sith Lord named Cytorrak, renowned for his ability to appear virtually invisible to enemies.

KDY-108 “Outlaw” Light Freighter

Kuat Drive Yards’ KDY-108 light freighter was designed in direct response to Corellian Engineering’s popular YT line of freighters. A large loading ramp beneath and behind the cockpit allows for quick loading and unloading. The ship’s interior is sparse, and the crew/passenger accommodations functional. With a design that clearly indicates that this is a vessel…


Tvrrourr (often called “T,” “Tiv,” or “Roar” by Basic-speakers who have difficulty pronouncing the Basic translation of his name) was located by the Jedi in his infancy and taken to Coruscant for training. Upon turning 20 Standard years old (still quite young for a Wookiee), he was taken as Padawan by Jedi Knight Sarkai Juouo.…

Pursuit-class Cruiser

The Pursuit-class was designed  by Kuat Drive Yards as a lighter, faster, scaled-down version of a Star Destroyer, and was used as a vital part of the Empire’s customs and border patrol operations. Despite its size, the Pursuit-class cruiser was capable of attaining high speeds to follow suspect ships.  Its sophisticated sensor array enabled it…

DS-9 Light Freighter

Corellian Engineering’s DS-9 class ship is nominally called a “freighter,” but was actually designed with the private sector in mind.  It combines the best elements of a freighter with a personal space cruiser.  Many ordinary people buy the DS-9 for its increased cargo capacity combined with the crew accommodations which are more comfortable than a…

VR42 Astromech

Eleven years before the Battle of Yavin, Arakyd Industries – already the holder of many of the Empire’s lucrative military droid contracts – attempted to create a military-grade astromech droid to rival Industrial Automaton’s various widely popular R series astromechs.  The result was the VR42 series. The VR42 series was designed to appeal to the…

Lazy Jasmine

Originally from Coruscant, Lazy Jasmine is a Rodian spicer. She earned the nickname “Lazy” because she was anything but, working diligently to establish and grow her spicing operation. She is astute, fairly well-spoken, assertive, frequently quick-tempered and also vain. She is fond of grabbing a drink at her nightclub – the Jazz-Mine in Serenity, Naboo…