Muur Talisman

The Muur Talisman was the first of the three Great Amulets created by the Sith Lord Sorzus Syn. Designed for her fellow Lord Karness Muur, the Talisman had the ability to turn other beings into mindless thralls that were at the possessor’s command. It was a powerful object of great antiquity and was mentioned in…



The Raggedy Edge, Chapter 1: Come Together

The crew of the Lightspeed Vagabond – Nzuri, Varrack, Jaindo, and The One – began the session on Nar Shaddaa, completing a dropoff, picking up a shipment of a new spice called Glowpowder, and awaiting the arrival of a passenger who will be returning to Naboo with them. Nearby, Eri’anya was being pursued by Levrek…

Lauler Charr & Raf Shrel

Lauler Charr was the head of the Charr crime family on Nar Shaddaa until Paglian caused the organization to quickly fall apart. Raf Shrel was the primary enforcer for Lauler Charr’s crime family before it fell apart at the hands of Paglian. He still works for Charr as bodyguard/enforcer.

Levrek Nes

Levrek Nes was the chief enforcer for Blue Nova lieutenant Eryk Liagri. Once given an assignment, Nes would pursue its conclusion to the exclusion of all else. Several months before the Battle of Yavin, Liagri tasked Nes with bringing him Eri’anya Drayen, who had worked her way into his life, then repaid his attention by…



