BD droid

BD units were companion droids designed to assist with operations in remote and dangerous locations across the galaxy; programmed to be the ideal assistant to researchers or explorers operating alone in the field, they were designed to traverse all types of terrain. As a result of their manufacturer collapsing, BD units were a relatively rare…

Hyperspace Savant

A hyperspace savant is a rarity, someone who comes along once a lifetime – if that frequently – who has an innate, instinctual (some say Force-derived) understanding of hyperspace, allowing them to perform hyperspace calculations quicker and more efficiently than any number of astromechs or navicomputers. As a result, they can intuit untraditional ways to…

R0-GR (“Roger”)

R0-GR, or “Roger,” was a B1 battle droid who served the Freemakers, a human family of scavengers that traveled throughout the galaxy. He was a veteran of the Separatist Droid Army during the Clone Wars, and was programmed to serve as Rowan Freemaker‘s best friend. He had a mismatched torso and right arm. While sarcastic…


Preferring a life of simple playtime, the Lahsbee were diminutive, furry felinoids who shunned technology and modern contrivances. They also kept items that belonged to, or had a special meaning to dead Lahsbees as a tribute to their deceased friends. But this only lasted through their childhood. Upon reaching puberty and stress, the Lahsbee turned…

Imperial Information Office Controller

Controller was a title given to officers. Imperial Information Office Controllers were tasked with commanding Imperial Information Office Agents (aka “Listeners”) in their tasks.

Huxley “Hux” Tarkin

Huxley “Hux” Tarkin is a 19 year old male from a distant branch of the same family noted for Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin; they have the name, but not the money or power that comes with it, while gaining slight prestige and influence just based on the name. Hux signed on to work the mines…

Lauler Charr & Raf Shrel

Lauler Charr was the head of the Charr crime family on Nar Shaddaa until Paglian caused the organization to quickly fall apart. Raf Shrel was the primary enforcer for Lauler Charr’s crime family before it fell apart at the hands of Paglian. He still works for Charr as bodyguard/enforcer.

Lazy Jasmine

Originally from Coruscant, Lazy Jasmine is a Rodian spicer. She earned the nickname “Lazy” because she was anything but, working diligently to establish and grow her spicing operation. She is astute, fairly well-spoken, assertive, frequently quick-tempered and also vain. She is fond of grabbing a drink at her nightclub – the Jazz-Mine in Serenity, Naboo…

Rotta the Hutt

Rotta Desilijic Tiure is the son of notorious crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure (more widely known as Jabba the Hutt). Unlike most Huttlets, Rotta did not spend the first fifty years of his life inside his parent’s brood pouch, as his father Jabba wanted him to directly experience the galaxy. Jabba continued this practice, despite…