GM Notes: This session was a straightforward run of the Debts To Pay adventure found in the Edge of the Empire Game Master’s Kit. It’s a great module, and so far, the only pre-written adventure used in the campaign (making it also the only one to not fit the naming convention for the campaign’s adventures).…
On the way home from RigadorĂ©, the Lightspeed Vagabond‘s crew receives an open transmission from Saki, inviting entrants to the First Grand Hunt. With no pressing business, the lure of the large jackpot catches their attention and they decide to participate. They register for the hunt and are greeted at the Rotaska RIdge Hunting Lodge…
The crew is called to meet Keiryn Nyle, the CEO of the Galactic Troubleshooting Network. GTN is a private paramiltary organization for hire in the galaxy. This business serves as a cover for a Rebel cell headquartered in Serenity, and provides a legitimate rationale for weapons, vehicles, and other equipment. Kab has a long-standing deal…
Huxley “Hux” Tarkin is a 19 year old male from a distant branch of the same family noted for Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin; they have the name, but not the money or power that comes with it, while gaining slight prestige and influence just based on the name. Hux signed on to work the mines…
The Muur Talisman was the first of the three Great Amulets created by the Sith Lord Sorzus Syn. Designed for her fellow Lord Karness Muur, the Talisman had the ability to turn other beings into mindless thralls that were at the possessor’s command. It was a powerful object of great antiquity and was mentioned in…
The crew of the Lightspeed Vagabond – Nzuri, Varrack, Jaindo, and The One – began the session on Nar Shaddaa, completing a dropoff, picking up a shipment of a new spice called Glowpowder, and awaiting the arrival of a passenger who will be returning to Naboo with them. Nearby, Eri’anya was being pursued by Levrek…
Lauler Charr was the head of the Charr crime family on Nar Shaddaa until Paglian caused the organization to quickly fall apart. Raf Shrel was the primary enforcer for Lauler Charr’s crime family before it fell apart at the hands of Paglian. He still works for Charr as bodyguard/enforcer.
Eryk Liagri is a Rattataki, who is a lieutenant in Blue Nova, a minor crime syndicate based on Nar Shaddaa. Due to his position, Eryk fancies himself as sophisticated, and collects antiques and artifacts. (Unbeknownst to him, some of his “priceless” collection consists of fakes.) One genuine piece in Eryk’s collection was the Casket of…